Policy: 学生生活 Awards (2.8.5)

See PDF copy of this policy.

第1部分. 建立:
罗彻斯特社区与技术学院对完成岗位职责的学生干部授予学生合同(职位描述见附件)。. A contract shall be awarded to:

  1. 学生主席
  2. Student Senate Vice President
  3. Student Senate Secretary
  4. Student Senate Treasurer
  5. ECHO Student Editor-in-Chief
  6. ECHO Student Managing Editor
  7. ECHO图形管理器
  8. ECHO体育编辑
  9. ECHO首席摄影师
  10. ECHO业务经理
  11. ECHO Arts/Entertainment Editor

由两(2)名学生代表组成的评选委员会可将合同授予其他学生领袖, two (2) students-at-large, one (1) faculty representative, and one (1) 工作人员 member. The Director of 学生生活 will serve as an ex-officio member of the committee. 学生 being considered for a contract cannot serve on the selection committee. The Director of 学生生活 shall be responsible for administering student contracts.

第2部分. Process For Administering Contract Awards:
部分一个. 指导老师应根据学生干部的职责对其表现进行评估. The advisors shall make final recommendations as to the amount of contract to be awarded. 每个人每学期都要写一篇论文,说明为什么他或她值得他或她的合同与工作职责有关.

B部分. 合同将由学生生活主任批准,并将从学生生活费用中支付,最多不超过以下金额:

学生主席 Up to $1,900 per semester Up to $3,800 per academic year 每周10小时
Student Senate Vice President Up to $1,900 per semester Up to $3,800 per academic year 每周10小时
Student Senate Secretary Up to $1,200 per semester Up to $2,400 per academic year 每周5小时
Student Senate Treasurer Up to $1,200 per semester Up to $2,400 per academic year 每周5小时
ECHO Student Editor in Chief 每学期最高770美元 Up to $1540 per academic year Publication deadline met
ECHO Student Managing Editor 每学期最高770美元 Up to $1540 per academic year Publication deadline met
ECHO图形管理器 每学期最高770美元 Up to $1,540 per academic year Publication deadline met
ECHO体育编辑 Up to $500 per semester Up to $1,000 per academic year Publication deadline met
ECHO首席摄影师 Up to $500 per semester Up to $1,000 per academic year Publication deadline met
ECHO业务经理 Up to $500 per semester Up to $1,000 per academic year Publication deadline met
ECHO Arts/Entertainment Editor Up to $500 per semester Up to $1,000 per academic year Publication deadline met
C.A.B. 学生 Up to $1,100 per semester Up to $2,200 per academic year 每周4小时

第3部分. 合同标准:
All recipients must obtain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 for eligibility to receive a contract. Other criteria to be considered:

部分一个. 学生主席 履行学生会章程和章程规定的所有职责,并履行所附职位说明所规定的额外职责. (见附录A)

B部分. Student Senate Vice President 履行学生会章程和章程所规定的全部职责,并履行所附职位说明所规定的其他职责. (见附录B)

部分C. Student Senate Secretary 履行学生会章程和章程所规定的全部职责,并履行所附职位说明所规定的其他职责. (见附录C)

部分D. Student Senate Treasurer 履行学生会章程和章程所规定的全部职责,并履行所附职位说明所规定的其他职责. (见附录D)

部分F. ECHO Student Editor-in-Chief 应履行《皇冠hg2020app下载》校报章程及细则所规定的所有责任, 根据皇冠hg2020手机app下载学生政策手册或ECHO顾问的要求,从所附的职位描述中填写. (见附录H)

部分G. ECHO Student Managing Editor 应履行《皇冠hg2020app下载》校报章程及细则所规定的所有责任, 根据皇冠hg2020手机app下载学生政策手册或ECHO顾问的要求,从所附的职位描述中填写. (见附录一)

部分H. ECHO Student Graphics Manager 应履行《皇冠hg2020app下载》校报章程及细则所规定的所有责任, 根据皇冠hg2020手机app下载学生政策手册或ECHO顾问的要求,从所附的职位描述中填写. (见附录J)

部分我. ECHO体育记者 应履行《皇冠hg2020app下载》校报章程及细则所规定的所有责任, 根据皇冠hg2020手机app下载学生政策手册或ECHO顾问的要求,从所附的职位描述中填写. (见附录K)

部分J. ECHO首席摄影师 应履行《皇冠hg2020app下载》校报章程及细则所规定的所有责任, 根据皇冠hg2020手机app下载学生政策手册或ECHO顾问的要求,从所附的职位描述中填写. (见附录L)

部分K. ECHO业务经理 应履行《皇冠hg2020app下载》校报章程及细则所规定的所有责任, 根据皇冠hg2020手机app下载学生政策手册或ECHO顾问的要求,从所附的职位描述中填写. (见附录M)

部分L. ECHO Arts/Entertainer Editor 应履行《皇冠hg2020app下载》校报章程及细则所规定的所有责任, 根据皇冠hg2020手机app下载学生政策手册或ECHO顾问的要求,从所附的职位描述中填写. (见附录N)


Date of Implementation: Immediate
Date of Adoption: August 15, 2001


  • 2002年1月29日
  • 二四年八月三十日
  • 二零零五年三月三十一日
  • 二六年五月十一日
  • 2007年8月28日
  • 2008年8月
  • 2009年3月
  • 2010年4月
  • 2014年1月8日
  • 2018年3月1日


附录A - Responsibilities/Duties of the 学生主席

学生会主席负责学生会的组织和日常工作, 其中包括, but is not limited to 以下几点:

  1. Chair all Student Senate, Executive Board, and Senate/Cabinet meetings.
  2. Prepare agendas for all Student Senate meetings by the last day of the previous week, with the assistance of the Student Senate Executive Board and Advisor.
  3. See to the proper execution of all motions passed by the Senate.
  4. Review all committee appointments set by the Vice President.
  5. 从校务委员会或学生会中委任成员加入校园范围内的搜寻委员会
  6. Maintain communications with the 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Student Senate, in regards to matters dealing with 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 faculty, 工作人员, 和管理, other student senates and LEAD MN.
  7. Chair the Executive Board.
  8. Perform a minimum of ten (10) office hours per week.
  9. 参加或指定参议院指定的人参加每月领导锰管理委员会会议. Also attend Fall and Spring General Assembly meetings, National Leadership Conference, 区域会议, and report to the Student Senate by the next scheduled meeting.
  10. Speak at Commencement and other functions as assigned.
  11. 作为 chair of the Legislative Committee and 学生生活 Finance Committee.
  12. Submit one article a month to the ECHO newspaper.

作为学生会执行委员会的一员,学生会主席负责, 但不限于, 以下几点:

  1. Act on behalf of the Senate between meetings as necessary, 然而, 执行委员会的决定可由参议院三分之二成员的投票推翻.
  2. 准备一份下一财政年度的运营预算,提交参议院批准.
  3. Approve the Senate agendas every week prior to the next Senate meeting.
  1. 参加 all available leadership conferences.
  2. Serve no more than two years in any given executive seat.
  3. Participate in Senate functions/activities.
  4. 参加 all Senate/Cabinet meetings and Executive Board meetings.
  5. Discuss and implement standing committee initiatives.
  6. 参加, or assign a designee to attend, Fall and Spring General Assembly meetings and a National Leadership Conference, 并鼓励每个学期至少参加一次LEAD MN理事会会议和区域会议.
  7. Understand and enforce Robert’s Rules of Order.

附录B - Responsibilities/Duties of the Student Senate Vice President


  1. Assist the 学生主席 in aspects of student government/leadership.
  2. 在总统离职或长时间不能上班的情况下,履行总统的职责.
  3. 向学生会提交章程,监督学生组织和俱乐部的所有活动, including all fundraising activities.
  4. 作为 chair of the Working Documents Committee.
  5. Work a minimum of five (5) office hours per week.
  6. Ensure all Standing Committees meet at least once a month.
  7. Maintain all committee rosters (Senate and All-College).
  8. Shall distribute all monthly committee reports to the Student Senate.
  9. Other duties as assigned by the 学生主席.

作为学生会执行委员会的一员,副主席负责, 但不限于, 以下几点:

  1. Act on behalf of the Senate between meetings as necessary, 然而, 执行委员会的决定可由参议院三分之二成员的投票推翻.
  2. 准备一份下一财政年度的运营预算,提交参议院批准.
  3. Approve the Senate agendas every week prior to the next Senate meeting.
  4. 参加 all available leadership conferences.
  5. Serve no more than two years in any given executive seat.
  6. Participate in Senate functions/activities.
  7. 参加 all Senate/Cabinet meetings and Executive Board meetings.
  8. Discuss and implement standing committee initiatives.
  9. 参加, or assign a designee to attend, Fall and Spring General Assembly meetings and a National Leadership Conference, 并鼓励学生每学期至少每月参加一次MSCSA理事会会议和区域会议.
  10. Understand and enforce Robert’s Rules of Order.

附录C - Responsibilities/Duties of the Student Senate Secretary

The Secretary of Student Senate is responsible for, 但不限于, 以下几点:

  1. Assist the 学生主席 in aspects of student government/leadership.
  2. 记录所有学生参议会和参议会/内阁会议的会议记录,包括提交动议单的责任.
  3. 在任何会议后的两(2)天内,向参议院顾问提交一份打印的会议记录草稿, at which time corrections will be made. The final copy will be distributed within three (3) days of said meeting. The minutes shall be distributed to the students through the Stinger, the Student Senate website, 还有留言板.
  4. 与参议院顾问一起保存每位参议员出席会议的名册.
  5. 作为 the custodian of all records for the Student Senate.
  6. Perform a minimum of five (5) office hours per week.
  7. 作为 the chair of the Volunteer Committee.
  8. Monitor the Student Senate picture cases.
  9. Monitor office hour sign-ins.
  10. Other duties assigned by the 学生主席.

作为学生会执行委员会的一员,秘书负责, 但不限于, 以下几点:

  1. Act on behalf of the Senate between meetings as necessary, 然而, 执行委员会的决定可由参议院三分之二成员的投票推翻.
  2. 准备一份下一财政年度的运营预算,提交参议院批准.
  3. Approve the Senate agendas every week prior to the next Senate meeting.
  4. 参加 all available leadership conferences.
  5. Serve no more than two years in any given executive seat.
  6. Participate in Senate functions/activities.
  7. 参加 all Senate/Cabinet meetings and Executive Board meetings.
  8. Discuss and implement standing committee initiatives.
  9. 参加, or assign a designee to attend, Fall and Spring General Assembly meetings and a National Leadership Conference, 并鼓励学生每学期至少每月参加一次MSCSA理事会会议和区域会议.
  10. Understand and enforce Robert’s Rules of Order.


附录D - Responsibilities/Duties of the Student Senate Treasurer


  1. Assist the 学生主席 in all aspects of student government/leadership.
  2. 与学生生活主管协调,确保参议院和学生生活活动预算的准确性.
  3. 作为 a member of the 学生生活 Finance Committee.
  4. 作为 custodian of all financial records for the Student Senate.
  5. Submit a minimum of at least one monthly budget report to the entire Senate.
  6. Perform a minimum of five (5) office hours per week.
  7. 使用会计软件和皇冠hg2020手机app下载业务办公室的本地特别收入报告,每月跟踪所有学生生活组织的支出.
  8. Have taken, or is taking, ACCT 2217 or equivalent.
  9. Other duties assigned by the 学生主席.

作为学生会执行委员会的成员,财务主管负责, 但不限于, 以下几点:

  1. Act on behalf of the Senate between meetings as necessary, 然而, 执行委员会的决定可由参议院三分之二成员的投票推翻.
  2. 准备一份下一财政年度的运营预算,提交参议院批准.
  3. Approve the Senate agendas every week prior to the next Senate meeting.
  4. 参加 all available leadership conferences.
  5. Serve no more than two years in any given executive seat.
  6. Participate in Senate functions/activities.
  7. 参加 all Senate/Cabinet meetings and Executive Board meetings.
  8. Discuss and implement standing committee initiatives.
  9. 参加, or assign a designee to attend, Fall and Spring General Assembly meetings and a National Leadership Conference, 并鼓励学生每学期至少每月参加一次MSCSA理事会会议和区域会议.
  10. Understand and enforce Robert’s Rules of Order.

附录E - Responsibilities/Duties of the Public Relations Senator

The duties of the Public Relations Senator shall include:

  1. Updating the Senate website every week
  2. Creating questionnaire for all Snackin’ with the Senates
  3. Coordinating all Snackin’ with the Senates
  4. 通过适当的渠道向适当的利益相关者宣传学生会的所有活动
  5. Acting as a liaison between the ECHO and the Senate
  6. Other duties assigned by the Executive Board or Senate.

附录F - Responsibilities/Duties of Student Senators

Responsibilities of all Senate members shall include:

  1. 参加ing Senate meetings and assigned committee meetings.
  2. Reviewing of and voting on proposed motions made during regular and special meetings.
  3. Service on at least one (1) Standing Committees and one (1) All-College Committee.
  4. Serving a minimum of two (2) office hour per week.
  5. Participating in Senate functions when necessary.
  6. 参加 any agreed upon meetings and conferences.  A Senator that does not attend, or cancels at the last moment, shall reimburse the Student Senate in full, unless a valid excuse can be presented to the Student Senate.  A hold will be put on his/her record until full reimbursement is made.
  7. 任何没有完成全年承诺的参议员必须偿还学生委员会的运动衫费用, 衬衫, 或夹克, unless a valid excuse can be presented. A hold shall be put on his/her record until full reimbursement is made.

Besides these requirements, Senators must complete the management by objective process outlined above.


附录G - Responsibilities/Duties of the ECHO Student Editor-in-Chief

Duties and Responsibilities:   To choose and assign duties to 工作人员 members with consultation of the advisor.

  1. Is responsible for all copy, pictures and advertising.
  2. Is responsible for adhering to the Statement of Practices and Code of Ethics.
  3. 必须指导员工的工作,必须提出意见和建议,并分配任务.
  4. Shall be responsible for the Editor-in-Chief page.
  5. Will make final decisions on all copy matters, pictures, etc. with consultation of the advisor.
  6. 应确定, with the advisor’s assistance, the frequency of distribution of the paper and the proposed budget.
  7. Shall criticize, praise and attempt to help the 工作人员 with publication problems.
  8. Will put out a good, well-designed and journalistically sound paper.
  9. Shall aid the advisor in choosing next year’s Editor-in-Chief.


附录H - Responsibilities/Duties of the ECHO Student Managing Editor

  1. Oversees all 工作人员 production, 包括所有作家, 摄影师, 图形, and business and advertising personnel; coordinates efforts of other editors.
  2. Assists in copy-editing of all assignments, including cutlines and captions; assists in approving all photos and artwork.
  3. Responsible for layout of front page and editorial page; also responsible for ensuring that news, features and sports layouts are completed.
  4. Assists editor-in-chief in conducting editorial board and 工作人员 meetings, or conducts them in editor-in-chief’s absence.
  5. Assists editor in assigning all stories, photos, and artwork.
  6. 监督员工的工作,与其他编辑一起解决问题,确保工作进展顺利,按时完成.
  7. Assigns self to write stories and headlines; approves or rewrites headlines, captions and cutlines as necessary. Checks to see that everyone in photos is identified correctly.
  8. Encouraged to be a creative leader who assists writers with stories, assists other editors with management, and assists editor-in-chief with vision and direction of the newspaper.


附录I - Responsibilities/Duties of the ECHO Student Graphics Manager

  1. Designs working templates and style sheets for newspaper pages.
  2. 设计和放置(或监督放置)文字和图形在每个月的报纸版面.
  3. 收集广告或广告材料,以格式和/或设计,根据广告商的规格, including material from national ad representatives.
  4. Communicates with publishing house prior to completion of issue.
  5. 发送出版文件到出版社,并随时准备处理任何印刷问题.
  6. Trains editors and 工作人员 to operate any and all publishing and editing software.
  7. Provides technical support for 工作人员.
  8. Assist in billing for advertisers.
  9. 通过分析生产部门当前和未来的需求,协助更新电脑设备和软件.
  10. Supervises 图形 工作人员 and coordinates all visual material (photos, 图形 and ads) for each issue.