Policy: Satisfactory 学术 Progress (学者) (2.9.1)


Because Minnesota State colleges and universities are publicly supported institutions, 每所大学都有义务执行规定,为纳税人的教育投资提供问责制,并监督学生可接受的学业进步. 所有学生必须达到令人满意的学术进步的最低标准,才能继续在罗切斯特社区和技术学院注册. 学生有责任监督自己的学习进度,并在遇到学习困难时寻求帮助. Students are encouraged to keep a file of their grades and transcripts.



I. 定性测量.

Students are required to carry a cumulative 平均绩点 (GPA) of 2.0


II. 定量措施.

要求完成率. 学生必须达到66分.累计注册学分的67%.  更多信息请参阅第8节



3.  评估阶段.

All students will be evaluated at the end of each term of his/her attendance.  If multiple Summer Sessions are offered in a calendar year, 会议将合并, 进度作为一个学期来评估.


IV. 不符合标准.

A. 学术警告.

  1. 警告状态. If, 在评估期结束时, 学生未达到累积GPA标准或所要求的累积完成百分比标准, 皇冠hg2020手机app下载允许该学生在警告状态下继续学习一个评估期.
  2. 警告学生复职. If, 在警告期结束时, a student has met both the cumulative GPA and cumulative completion percentage standards, 皇冠hg2020手机app下载应解除该学生的警告状态.

B. 学术 Suspension of students on warning status.

  1. 在警告的情况下,学生在下个学期的学习进度不能达到最低要求的,将被留校察看, 为期一年, 立即开始.

V. 上诉及缓刑.

  1. 上诉.

Students who have been placed on 学术 Suspension have the right to appeal, 基于不寻常的或情有可原的情况.  这些情况包括, 但不限于, 亲属死亡, 疾病, 住院治疗, 或者学生受伤.

学生须提交, 作为他们吸引力的一部分, 皇冠hg2020app下载学生为什么没有取得令人满意的进步,以及学生的情况发生了什么变化,可以让学生在下一个评估期结束时展示令人满意的学业进步的信息.

An appeal may be approved only under the following circumstances:

  1. 皇冠hg2020手机app下载确定学生在下一个评估期结束时应该能够满足SAP标准.


  1. 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 develops an 学术 plan with the student that, 如果之后, shall ensure that the student will be able to meet SAP standards by a specific point in time. If the 学术 plan includes term standards of GPA and percent of completion, 他们必须高于皇冠hg2020手机app下载的正常标准,以允许学生提高他/她的GPA和/或完成百分比.

The initial consideration of appeals shall be undertaken by the 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 上诉 Committee, who will review the information submitted and make a determination.  If the student is dissatisfied with this decision, the student may appeal to the Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management.  希望上诉的学生必须填写休学上诉表格(在线提供)并提交证明文件.  Results of all appeals shall be communicated to students via email to the student’s 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 e-mail account.  批准申诉的通知应包括学生预计达到的标准或学生预计在下一个评估期结束时达到的学术计划.

提交学术上诉的例外情况:教务长可以放弃学者的休学上诉,如果确定, 在最后一次出勤期间, 该学生取得了高于标准的近期学业成绩(RAS),提高了他们的整体成绩.  The student will be moved to probation and receive a notification regarding the courtesy waiver of the 学术 上诉和缓刑的条款.

B. 试用状态.

A student who has successfully appealed shall be placed on probation for one evaluation period.  在评估期结束时,如果学生

  1. Has met 皇冠hg2020手机app下载’s cumulative GPA and cumulative completion percentage standards, 然后该学生将恢复良好的信誉.
  2. 没有达到皇冠hg2020手机app下载的累积GPA和完成百分比标准,但符合其学术计划中规定的条件, then student shall retain his/her probationary status for a subsequent evaluation period.
  3. 没有达到皇冠hg2020手机app下载的累积GPA和完成百分比标准,也没有达到他/她的学术计划中规定的条件, then student shall be re-suspended immediately upon completion of the evaluation.

VI. 申请状态及上诉结果通知.

  1. 状态.

皇冠hg2020手机app下载 不会ify a student via email any time the student is placed in a warning, 悬架, 或者试用期.  For each action, the following information will also be provided to the student:

  1. Warning Notification: The student will be informed of the conditions of their warning status.
  2. Suspension Notification: The student will be notified of their right to appeal.
  3. 试用期通知:学生将被告知必须达到的预期标准或他/她预计完成的学术计划,以便在下一个评估期结束时保留学术资格.

B. 上诉.

皇冠hg2020手机app下载 不会ify a student via an official communication (皇冠hg2020手机app下载 email) of the result of all appeals. 如果得到批准, 申诉通知应包括学生期望达到的标准或学生期望完成的学术计划的清单. 如果上诉被驳回, 通知应描述拒绝的原因和向学生事务副校长上诉的过程.

7.  恢复.

当学生的学业进展达到皇冠hg2020手机app下载满意的定性和定量标准时,可以复学.  In the case of unusual or extenuating circumstances, 学生也可以在上诉成功或被确定达到近期学业成功标准后复学

如果上诉不成功, students may return to the college after the period of 学术 悬架 has passed.

8. 成绩和学分的处理.

A. 职系的处理.


注册优惠:学生在每学期加退期结束时正式注册的学分总数.  Registered credits include repeat coursework, developmental coursework, and consortium credits.  Registered credits do not include transfer credits or audits.

完成了对. Non-completed学分: (用于计算完成率) Completed credits include those with only the grades of A, B, C, D, S and P.  Non-completed credits include those with grades of F, FN, FW, I, IP, N, NC, W or Z.  Non-completed credits will be treated in the calculation as attempted, but not completed.

级分:  Calculated using courses for which a student receives a letter grade of A, B, C, D or F, FN, FW.  Grade points are not calculated for grades of I, IP, NC, P, S, W or Z.  (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F, FN或FW=0.)总绩点是由该成绩的绩点值乘以课程学分数所得的总绩点.  See 学术 transcript for explanation of historical grading annotations not addressed in this policy.

平均绩点 (GPA):  The quotient of the student’s grade point total divided by the grade point credits.  Each grade report shows the student’s GPA for the term and cumulative GPA since admission.  “P” does not carry a grade point value, and as such, is not calculated in the GPA.  “P”不会提高学生的GPA.  However, “P” credits count toward total registered credits.

不完整的:  An “I” is assigned only in exceptional circumstances and is a temporary grade.  An “I” grade will automatically become an “F” (if course is offered Pass/No 信贷, 如果没有令人满意地完成课程作业的要求,“I”将在下学期结束时自动成为N/C.

Non-Reported成绩:  If an instructor does not report a letter grade, a “Z” is assigned to the course.  “Z” does not carry a grade point value, and as such, is not calculated in the GPA.  However, “Z” credits count toward total registered credits.

B. 学术特赦(新开始). 当审查学生的 学术 根据这项政策, credits for which the student has been granted 学术 amnesty (“fresh start”) 不会 be included in Satisfactory 学术 Progress measurements.

C. 审计的课程. Audited courses are not included in Satisfactory 学术 Progress measurements.

D. 财团学分. 根据财团协议获得的经济援助学分将记录在学生的记录上.  这些联合学分将不包括在学术满意的学术进展测量中.

E. 补救学分. 补救/发展课程(编号低于1000的课程)将包括在GPA中,但不包括在“满意学业进展”测量的完成百分比测量中.

F. 重复的课程. Students are allowed to repeat courses for the purpose of passing or improving their grade.  The course with the best grade will be included in the Satisfactory 学术 Progress measurements.


G. 转移学分. 皇冠hg2020手机app下载接受的转学分和学生的课程要求将不包括在学术满意的学术进展测量中

H. 取款. 信贷s for which a grade of “W” is received are considered attempted, 但没有顺利修完学分.  “W”级不会影响GPA,但会对学生的累计完成百分比产生负面影响.


修正:   6/11/98; 6/3/05; 1/23/07; 3/1/2010; 3/28/11 (Revisions made based on system policy changes); 2/28/17; 05/12/2021 (Revisions made based on system policy changes)